Maveniser 1.1 has its Source Forged

Maveniser, my attempt at a Maven 2 plug-in for Eclipse, has had its project accepted by (is it difficult, there did seem to be a lot of questions?), and I have placed the source code and the latest binary 1.1 into the site for your perusal and usage.

Maven 1.1 includes the following changes:

  • ‘New Maven 2/Eclipse Project’ Wizard;
  • Amended the ‘Maveniser’ preferences so that the user can elect to save all External Tool Configurations. These saved Configurations can then be run from the ‘External Tool’ toolbar.

I have a long list of things (see the list below) that I would love to add to it, and if you feel the desire, I would be happy to have fellow developers help out on the project. Currently desirable (to me) features are:

  • Advanced Page for ‘New Maven 2/Eclipse Project’ Wizard;
  • Install JAR into local repository Wizard;
  • Configurable Tasks for the Context Pop-up Menu.

If you are using Maven and Eclipse, please give Maveniser a go and drop me your feedback. You can find it all at Mavniser’s Source Forge.